O'Hearn, Patrick

Patrick O'Hearn (b. September 6, 1954) is a multi-instrumentalist musician, composer and recording artist.
O'Hearn, Patrick
Patrick O'Hearn - A Windham Hill Retrospective

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1997
Best of his best tracks.

13,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Ancient Dreams

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1985
This is Patrick O'hearns first album. The music on here is rather dark, spacey, and electronic, contrast to his post Indigo material.Give a listen to the haunting title track with those thundering drums combined with a spacey atmosphere, Beauty In Darkness with a dark almost like an approaching storm with. The opening track At First Light is a gorgeous song with haunting synthesizers combined with some tingling synths. I heard that the melodic structure of this song was sampled in a club hit ten years later with Robert Miles Children and Patrick was not too pleased. While I love children a lot, At First Light is a new age classic. "Patrick O'Hearn's Ancient Dreams is a journey through a shifting, heartfelt audio landscape. It sheds light in many ways and touches secret places. Cool and elegant one moment, thundering and majestic the next, it explores a path that will carry you deeper with each listening. There are glory and laughter here, side by side with the cool, peaceful clarity of night. O'Hearn's unique dual voice, expressed with bass guitars and synthesizers, is both fluid and strong. Working with producer Peter Baumann, founding member of Tangerine Dream, he has created a rich feast for the ear, and for the mind's eye."

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19,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Between two Worlds

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1987
This is the essential Ohearn album that you should not pass up. It is probably Patricks most space oriented of his electronic albums to date. It's the dark electronic, rainy music that makes you love this album. Every song on here is a breakthrough for this extremely talented musician.
Rainmaker is a very haunting song with an intense misty atmosphere with some ceramic percussion. Sky Juice is a breathtaking song with very electronic synths and some jet sound effects with some thumping beats and a cool bass. However that is nothing like the next one. Cape Perpetual is beyond any word you can describe about this song. It's a very spooky track. It starts of with some strange breezy wind instruments and some thundering sounds in the distance. At about 30 seconds there are some synthesizer hums that fade in. It then becomes a dark very space oriented song with ceramic percussion and thundering jet sound effects. This song alone makes this album a five star. Gentle Was The Night is a very beautiful song with just mostly synths. This is a great song. Fire Ritual is a very pop oriented song and some vocal doodling here and there. This is probably the brightest song on here. 87 Dreams Of A Lifetime lives up to the title. This is a very stunning and could rank as one of his best 80s tracks ever. It starts with just some ambient synths and the synths get louder and at about a minute into the song the real music begins. This is a haunting song with a catchy rhythm and a space jazzy stmosphere. Dimension D is a very space oriented song with some haunting sound effects and a very dark ambient atmosphere. Forever The Optimistic is a pop oriented song with great electronic bass, a great hook and some synth tinklings throughout the song. Journey To Yoroba is another haunting song. It has lots of ceramic percussion and ambient synths. The closing title track is great with more great synths and cool drums.
All in all rank this album as one Mr. O'Hearns strongest masterpieces to date.
In fact this album for a time is almost like the soundtrack. In fact we strongly recommend this album to all who love music to listen to while thinking. It's very intelligent music that should be enjoyed by all generations.

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16,80 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Earthscapes DVD

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn + Suzanne Ciani
P: 2000
The visual equivalent of environmental sounds to soothe away those after-work tensions. Musically accompanied by the likes of Tangerine Dream, the superbly photographed, time-lapse footage of these pieces encapsulates the majesty of such locales as Monument Valley. Any fan of film Westerns, and John Ford Westerns in particular, will be thrilled with this portion of the disc, since Monument Valley has played such an indispensable part in American Westerns. You might be justified in suspecting this to be merely the filmed backdrop for a friendship card, or "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy." But the award-winning photography of David Fortney makes this truly breathtaking. Other places worthy of time-lapse footage include the Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Death Valley, and the Nevada High Deserts.
If you love time-lapse photography, this is a surreal and mesmerizing experience-truly a piece of art & beauty. The music is wonderful making it a stimulating music video of nature, light, and weather.

24,50 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Eldorado

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1989
The perfect blend of rhythms, synths and orchestrations. Relaxation is not complete without this CD playing. This is different from most of his earlier masterworks Ancient Dreams, Between Two Worlds and Rivers Gonna Rise. While this album has a lot of the trademark sound of the previous ones this album incorporates Middle Eastern and Mayan instruments to create a masterpiece in the world music category.
Amazon Waltz is a jazzy song with Brazilian wind instruments and percussion plus some chants as well. Nepalese Tango is similar to the previous one but not quite as fast and has some worldly bells and drums. I could play this one when driving through the jungle with mountains nearby on a misty day. Black Delilah is a unique track that incorporates stunning cello performances as well as a violin to create a masterwork. Chattahoochie Field day is a very daytime song with bouncy rhythms and a very jazzy vibe to it. The Illuminator is a very electronic song with beautiful synths and some plucky instruments. At the middle of the song the synths sounds very much like the pluck instruments from Enyas Orinoco Flow. This is my favorite song. One Eyed Jacks is another typical jazzy O'Hearn song but still great. Hear Our Prayer is a song with Middle Eastern drums and chants. Delicate is a dark track with the trademark synthesizers but has beautiful haunting chants. The title track is a very intense with thundering rain sound effects and bells. One standout track in this album. There's Always Tomorrow is a somber yet happy track at the same track. It's a nice jazzy closer to this album.
This is probably Mr. O'Hearns last daytime sounding album. This album is a definate masterpiece. It's totally different from the dark, chilling, frightning masterwork Indigo and all latter material that would follow.

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14,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Glaciation

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 2007
On Glaciation Patrick O'Hearn applies his many musical talents to the ambient genre. When compared to earlier works this CD is quite subtle, but perfectly expresses the magnificent desolation of the icebound regions at the top of the world.
Using piano, electric bass and guitar, plus lush synthesizer pads and gentle percussion, O'Hearn renders 13 tracks - ranging from the still forms of sound collage to majestic and reverential odes to the earth. No matter how minimal or quiet, O'Hearn's stamp is on every song. His sophisticated compositional sensibilities help transform our ideas about the arctic from those of a lonesome unnamed landscape to that of a beautiful blue realm of water, ice and sky. The ecological message comes through as well.
Along with a reverence for nature is concern for the survival of this pristine polar domain.

17,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Indigo

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1991
This is one of P.O.'s most brilliant magical landmark albums to date. This is a complete departure from the sunny daytime feel of El Dorado and Rivers Gonna Rise. This is a very dark and more midievel sounding recoed that shatters new grounds in his music and is one of his strongest albums to date. Devils Lake is a very scary sounding song with echoing pianos and a very ominous sound. At 3:56 some electronic percussion and some rhythm comes in giving a feel of traveling through space towards a glowing cluster of stars. Sacrifice is a haunting track with very dark tingling synths for about the first 3 and a half minutes. At about 2:40 drums come in and real add on to the song. The horns are beatiful. When I close my eyes when listening to this song I could imagine being out in the forest in the dead of night and then all of a sudden a green glowing, wide-eyed warrior ghost on a chariot coming out of the background being pulled by horses. Coba is beyond what words can say alone. It's a very frightening song with echoing drums and very nighttime synths. I love the intense bridge with strong synths from 2:18 to 3:00. It then ends with the ambient synths continuing. This is my favorite song on this album. Upon The Wings Of Night is what the title says. It's a most ambient song with trumpets but they really sound great.Sacret Heart is another beautiful but a tad bit brighter but still dark and spacey. The Beauty Within is another beatiful but with echoing pianos but at the last 30 seconds the pianos give away to pulsating synths and fade out. What an amazing song. Desire is absolutely magical. It starts out with dazzling synths. Then some drums come in. This is one of the best songs on this album. Ringmasters Dream is very unique. It starts off as an ambient track but then later it gradually morphs into a sort of orchestraesque song and then fades into carnival sounds at the ending. Espana is a truly magical closing track to this CD. It a very peaceful with a truly melancholy feel. A great closer to this CD.

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15,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Metaphor

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 2000
Patrick O'Hearns best. When you first get a Patrick album, the songs sound nice, but you don't love them immediately. You have to listen to each album every day for 2 weeks to fall in love with a few of the songs. Call the style "Experimental Jazz-based New Age." Similar to Tangerine Dream, but the sounds here are not so exotic. The whole album is great; the tracks "Faith and Endurance," "Let Truth Prevail," and "Crossing the Divide" are masterpieces. Each exhibits his unique genius at playing the melodic line of a song super-slowly. (Taking many measures per note.) The second also has a wonderful experiment in playing the melodic line on a piano with one finger. I can't imagine how he made it so great!

15,90 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Mix Up

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1990
This CD is radically different, because it is his music re-mixed by others. Hip-hop beats, environmental sounds, snippets of dialogue. You can imagine that the typical new age fan listened to this and said what the hell is this noise! Too bad, because this is really wonderful stuff. If you like music from folks like "The Art of Noise", "William Orbit", and "David Van Tiegham", you should check this out.

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15,40 EUR
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Patrick O'Hearn - Rivers gonna Rise

Artist: Patrick O'Hearn
P: 1988
This 1988 opus from O'Hearn is a great follow-up to the extravagant "Between Two Worlds". Similar in sound and production, "River's Gonna Rise" is arguably O'Hearns more upbeat, brightest, and sunniest in mood, totally opposite in mood to "Indigo" and "Trust", this is probably the easiest album to get into. The album cover does kind of portray the mood of the album: daytime.
"Homeward Bound" starts the set with a very upbeat, sunny afternoon, and joyous sound and an eclectic blend of New Age, jazz, and some pop. It's probably the sunniest song that Patrick has ever recorded and a great one too. "The Stroll" is a mellower and less sunny in mood and more of a cloudy afternoon song. I often play this when it's cloudy on a summer afternoon. This is a very pleasant song. Kind of reminds me of "Life Along The River Vaal" from "Ancient Dreams". "Glory For Tomorrow" is a jazzier song with a gorgeous soaring climax with it's marching drums, synthesizers, and trumpet playing kind of like soaring above the landscape on a sunny afternoon. I love hearing the song mellow down during the last 50 seconds before finally ending. "Acadia" is a more upbeat, strongly electronic, New Age groove with a spacier atmosphere. "Forgiveness" is one of the darkest songs on the album but it's still a relatively daytime mood song in general although more of a cloudy late afternoon in mood. It starts with mesmerizing ghostly keyboards and builds into a serene jazzy song. "April Fool" is the most upbeat song on the entire album. The song starts with electronic jazz intro and becomes an exotic, upbeat, and semi-danceable song with an astounding blend of New Age, dance, jazz, and a little pop. The song even has a bit of a tropical feel to it too. "Reunion" is another standout song on the CD. It starts with a jazzy crescendo for about 1 and a half minutes before keyboards come in and the song becomes a jazzy and upbeat song with a sunny and joyous major note feel to it. I would even go far as to say that it could've even made a small dent on the pop charts. "A Brief Repose" is the darkest and most eerie song on the entire album. It's a mix of ambiences of guitars, haunting keyboards, and beautiful trumpet playing. I often think of walking through a path through the woods in a city when I listen to this gorgeous song as I think if this being a mix of urban and earthy all in one. "Subtle Persuasion" is an eerie New Age song with a slight spice of worldly xylophones against a backdrop of haunting ambient melody, slow rhythm, and electronic keyboards. This song has a very foggy daytime mood to it. The closing track "Portobello Locks" is a calm sunshine afternoon song with a jazzy and mellow atmosphere almost like making it home after a long journey and the sun's rays shining through the windows.

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15,90 EUR
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