Mergener, Peter

The synthesizer musician out of the Eifel /Germany who was one half of the group Software.
Mergener, Peter
G.E.N.E. - Fluting Paradise

Artist: G.E.N.E.
P: 1991
Here the last release, where Peter Mergener and Michael Weisser, known as Software and some of the G.E.N.E. releases had worked together. Nice melodic tunes.

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19,90 EUR
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G.E.N.E. - Life is a Melody

Artist: G.E.N.E.
P: 1988

Peter Mergener and Michael Weisser published several CDs under the name Gene. The music of 1988 was then republished as Canadian Lakes on the IC label. The music sounds like Creatures of Mergener and is very close to nature.

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24,50 EUR
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Mergener + Weisser - Software-Visions

Artist: Software (Mergener & Weisser)
P: 1989

This is the rare CD which should be used for soundtrack post-production.
A collection of rare and new Software tracks till 1989.
The typical sound of Peter Mergener can be heard here.

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18,90 EUR
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Mergener/Weisser - Beam-Scape

Artist: Software (Mergener & Weisser)
P: 1984 / 1990

Tracks 5 to 8 are bonus tracks from the album Night Light. " Beam - Scape " is the first album by the electronic duo PETER MERGENER and MICHAEL WEISSER, who later joined forces under the project name SOFTWARE and released many more great albums in the years that followed until their split in 1999. Since the dissolution of SOFTWARE, P. Mergener has continued to produce electronic music in his studio in the Eiffel, while M. Weisser is primarily active as a media artist. The year 1984, in which this album was released, was the birth year of the SOFTWARE project and the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between P. Mergener and M. Weisser. The album " Beam - Scape " basically only consists of the first four tracks on this CD, while tracks 5 - 8 are the complete A-side of the album " Night - Light " released in 1986. The eight tracks on this CD are mostly very calm and natural, as befits this duo, often with spacey soundscapes and catchy sequencer lines. Now and then the rhythm computer is used on one or the other track. But the album "Beam-Scape", i.e. the first four tracks on this CD, can definitely be counted as belonging to the very early SOFTWARE era, when the music of this duo was still very much based on the style of the "Berlin School" and the tracks could sometimes be over 15 minutes long. The remaining four tracks, on the other hand, i.e. the A-side of the album "Night-Light" (1986), which was released two years later, show the musical direction in which the two musicians would develop with their SOFTWARE project. And it is precisely for this reason that this CD is so interesting and no SOFTWARE fan should be without it. I can also warmly recommend this album to fans of well-produced electronic music. But above all, it is the four tracks of the "Beam Scape" album that let the listener float in other spheres. Fascinating electronic music from a very early phase of the later SOFTWARE project. Extremely interesting, exciting and fascinating!

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28,00 EUR
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Mergener/Weisser - Phancyful-Fire

Artist: Software (Mergener & Weisser)
P: 1985/ 1987

This is the 3rd release by the team, later known as Software. Moving sounds, flowing with analogue and digital synthesizers. The music of Mergener /Weisser is of intense beauty of melodic songs filled with energy and life.

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28,00 EUR
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Peter Mergener (P.C.M.) - Rhythm and Bytes

Artist: Peter Mergener
P: 1995
LTD 500

This was a sideproject by Peter Mergener (Software) and Ralf Hess, which is more rhythmic than the ususal tracks by Mergener.
Produced on our own label way back in 1995.

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28,00 EUR
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Peter Mergener + Klaus Hoffmann-Hoock - Visions of Asia

Artist: Peter Mergener & Klaus Hoffmann-Hoock
P: 2007
With more than 30 acclaimed albums to his credit Peter Mergener has become one of the most respected and prolific musicians in contemporary electronic and cosmopolitan music scene. Still he always kept being open to and well aware of the qualities in other musicians. So over the years Mergener and Hoffmann-Hoock have frequently collaborated – on “Visions Of Asia” you now can hear the most beautiful results of their musical friendship! The compositions are slick and charming, evoking distant lands thick with exotic flavor. Many of the tracks possess a calming quality despite their complex structure, applying their dreamy melodies to inspire a sense of epic scope.

instead 14,90 EUR
only 8,90 EUR
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Peter Mergener - African Smile

Artist: Peter Mergener
P: 2000
"African Smiles" is the fascinating document of the composers impressions from a lengthy trip to the black continent. African rhythms, chants and natural sounds blend beautifully with Mergeners sensual synthetics. A musical vision with breathtakingly wide range!

instead 15,40 EUR
only 13,90 EUR
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Peter Mergener - Astronaut
Artist: Peter Mergener
P: 2019

This sounds like the early Software releases like Electronic Universe. Right release for the jubilee of 50 years lunar landing.
15,90 EUR
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Peter Mergener - Creatures (Original 1991)
Artist: Peter Mergener
P: 1991

In 1989 Peter Mergener has produced CREATURES, a soulful work published at Cue Records in 1991. CREATURES is relaxation, meditation, time and space, but also tension, dynamic and climax, with spherical and rhythmic sampler- and synthesizer sounds reflecting the beauty and the fate of Earth, humans and animals.

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28,00 EUR
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