Artist: Blue Chip Orchestra
P: 1997
Strange beings appear in the Dakota myth of creation. Ite, the seductively beautiful daughter of an old sorcerer and his wife, lives underneath the earth. The young woman contrives plans to ensure a lucrative future and marries the god of the winds, Tate. She gives birth to the four winds but doesnt take care of her children too well as her interests lie more in flirting with Wi, god of the sun. This upsets and shames Wi's wife Hanwi, the moon...
The Blue Chip Orchestra took some of these archetypes as a guide for a musical journey through the spirit realm. Native Indian chants, flutes, rattles, drums and nature sounds melt magically with electronic sounds - the effect: modern western listeners can participate in the perception of the extending consciousness of a shaman. The earthly tones and sounds get blurred, echoing in a surreal space, sounds from beyond and beneath the earth blend into a psychedelic experience. The wall between this and the other world becomes elusive and partly disappears.
Hubert Bognermayr and Harald Zuschrader certainly don't intend to contribute to ethnological studies, yet their compositions have an atmospheric density that can trigger a shamanistic journey. Appropriately the Siberian overtone singing in the fourth piece is associated with the most ancient god of the rock, Inyan. It is said that 30,000 years ago the Native Americans came from central Siberia, crossing Bering Strait into North America.
Bognermayr calls it "Soulart". Since their famous works "Computerakustische Klangsinfonie Erdenklang", their "Surmon On The Mount" and their two albums with the Blue Chip Orchestra both Bognermayr and Zuschrader have always used the creative potential of the electronic technologies as a musical instrument for artistic creation in aesthetic and human terms.
Those who are not into Shamanism and ghosts may focus on the meeting of archaic and electronic sounds or enjoy the artistic creation in aesthetic terms. It is an open concept. Playful fantasy and mastery of sounds are guarantied. (Christian Salvesen, translated by Ieva Gaidulis)
"White River, Red Spirit", is also in the Sacred Spirits/Deep Forest vein. And extremely welldone at the same time, making it easy to recommend. Bognermayr and Zuschrader, the BCO duo for over 20 years, journey through the spirit realm with native chants, rattles, flutes, drums and excellent use of nature sounds melt magically with electronic sounds. The atmospheric density can certainly trigger shamanistic journeys, as they explore myths of creation, stories & archetypical realms, serving as the musical guides to take you there".
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