Blue Chip Orchestra

The pioneer of computer-acoustic music HUBERT BOGNERMAYR 1970 Founder of EELA CRAIG, a symphonic electronic rock group. 1979 Co-Founder of the ARS ELECTRONICA in Linz/ Austria works together with Harald Zuschrader and founded the Blue Chip Orchstra.
Blue Chip Orchestra
Blue Chip Orchestra - Blue Chip Orchestra

Artist: Blue Chip Orchestra
Boleros, footsteps on the concrete floor of endless concert halls, leading to the mysterious "Suite Eleya" and, following an aural trip lasting 52’42'’ minutes, dismisses the listener into the "Dali Dom".... We are talking about the first album of the BLUE CHIP ORCHESTRA, conducted by Hubert Bognermayr.
A fascinating fusion of classical influences, new age music, modern technology and original composing techniques. The pioneer of computer-acoustic music HUBERT BOGNERMAYR Oratorio For Music- Computer and Voices founded BCO in1988.
The result is a mix of sounds and styles ranging from Gregorian chants to opera, choral music to disco, and classical to avantgarde - all with less tendency to become aural wallpaper than the majority of new age. Blue Chip Orchestra opens with some carefully recorded percussion samples awash with reverb (as is the whole LP) before launching into a gentle electronic bolero. Over the top, pianos and clarinets are fused with powerful synthesised strings and a sampled choral wash.
It all blends into a coherent soundscape where the line between sampling and acoustic instruments is faintly drawn, often becoming indistinguishable. Throughout the album, the BCO manage to avoid most of the obvious clichés. They adopt conventional rhythms and time signatures, weaving classically-based melodies into an enticing relaxing whole. Overall, it must be said that listening to this CD is an extremely pleasant experience.
All of the sounds are beautifully prepared, the production is immacu-ate and the composition thoughtful and well structured. HUBERT BOGNERMAYR on the Instrumentarium of his BLUE CHIP ORCHESTRA: "The music electronics offered by the music industry are much too boring for our orchestra, optically as well as in their possibilities for practical application. Our soloists - among them are trained designers, painters, sculptors and sound researchers - build for this reason the appropriate new instruments for their pieces of music. With the DonauTuba our brass soloist reaches the sound intensity of several orchestra brass sections along the lines of the lower brass registers.
He can change the sound characteristics of the DonauTuba in an instant and can solo in any digitalized horn sound desired. It's made out of a horn column over 2 meters high with three very differently dimensioned brass acoustic funnels. In the base of the horn column there is a microprocessor. This is continually being programmed with new brass sounds from the sound research department of our Blue Chip Academy. Vibration is caused by a computerguided membrane that makes the powerful air column in the tube of the DonauTuba, as well as the brass funnels, vibrate.
Further instruments of the BCO: Sonic Sail Mirror Percussion, Center Ultrasonic, Harp, Bottle, Cello, Sound Spiral, Autozither Binary Dulcimer.

14,90 EUR
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Blue Chip Orchestra - Blue Danube - Donau so Blau

Artist: Blue Chip Orchestra
Austria´s music culture and orchestra tradition provide the impulse for the DIGITALPHILHARMONIC SOUNDIMAGES of the "Blue Danube"-project.
The interplay of the VIRTUAL PHILHARMONIANS and live soloists in the Computer Culture age makes it possible for the BLUE CHIP ORCHESTRA to effect and visualize new formal and DIGITAL-ACOUSTIC SOUND STRUCTURES in conjunction with newly-developed musical instruments such as Ultrasonic Harp, Mirror Instruments. Sonic Sails, Binary Dulcimer etc.
"The digital philharmonic sound images of the "Blue Danube" project draw upon the rich orchestral heritage of the Austrian region in this avant garde tribute to some of the most dynamic and brilliant of European classical composers. The BLUE CHIP ORCHESTRA is the brainchild of Hubert Bognermayr who has fused this interplay of classical trained instrumentalists and live soloists of the computer age. This makes it possible for the orchestra to effect and visualize new formal and digital-acoustic sound structures in conjunction with newly-developed musical instruments such as ultrasonic harp, mirror instruments, sounding sails, and binary dulcimer. Bognermayr´s compositions embrace a powerful lyricism imbued with strong dynamic themes which gradually crest - building upon lush orchestrations reflecting an age of greatness. Triumphant marches sweep across an inner landscape in the spirit of Bruckner, Smetana, and Stravinsky, with a touch of playfulness and humor in the Mozart and Strauss inspired pieces. Rhythmically aggressive passages begin to soften upon repeated listening as one begins to let go into the depths of this exotic fantasyland, allowing more the imaginative detail to surface. Symphonic rock-based ballads take on a unique life of their own when punctuated by an operatic baritone, a sampled Stradivarius, or a mirrored binary horn section. "Blue Danube" is thoughtful and intelligent music which demands attention, then leaves you wondering

14,90 EUR
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Blue Chip Orchestra - White River Red Spirit

Artist: Blue Chip Orchestra
Strange beings appear in the Dakota myth of creation. Ite, the seductively beautiful daughter of an old sorcerer and his wife, lives underneath the earth. The young woman contrives plans to ensure a lucrative future and marries the god of the winds, Tate. She gives birth to the four winds but doesnt take care of her children too well as her interests lie more in flirting with Wi, god of the sun. This upsets and shames Wi's wife Hanwi, the moon...
The Blue Chip Orchestra took some of these archetypes as a guide for a musical journey through the spirit realm. Native Indian chants, flutes, rattles, drums and nature sounds melt magically with electronic sounds - the effect: modern western listeners can participate in the perception of the extending consciousness of a shaman. The earthly tones and sounds get blurred, echoing in a surreal space, sounds from beyond and beneath the earth blend into a psychedelic experience. The wall between this and the other world becomes elusive and partly disappears.
Hubert Bognermayr and Harald Zuschrader certainly don't intend to contribute to ethnological studies, yet their compositions have an atmospheric density that can trigger a shamanistic journey. Appropriately the Siberian overtone singing in the fourth piece is associated with the most ancient god of the rock, Inyan. It is said that 30,000 years ago the Native Americans came from central Siberia, crossing Bering Strait into North America.
Bognermayr calls it "Soulart". Since their famous works "Computerakustische Klangsinfonie Erdenklang", their "Surmon On The Mount" and their two albums with the Blue Chip Orchestra both Bognermayr and Zuschrader have always used the creative potential of the electronic technologies as a musical instrument for artistic creation in aesthetic and human terms.
Those who are not into Shamanism and ghosts may focus on the meeting of archaic and electronic sounds or enjoy the artistic creation in aesthetic terms. It is an open concept. Playful fantasy and mastery of sounds are guarantied. (Christian Salvesen, translated by Ieva Gaidulis)
"White River, Red Spirit", is also in the Sacred Spirits/Deep Forest vein. And extremely welldone at the same time, making it easy to recommend. Bognermayr and Zuschrader, the BCO duo for over 20 years, journey through the spirit realm with native chants, rattles, flutes, drums and excellent use of nature sounds melt magically with electronic sounds. The atmospheric density can certainly trigger shamanistic journeys, as they explore myths of creation, stories & archetypical realms, serving as the musical guides to take you there".

14,90 EUR
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Bognermayr + Zuschrader - Erdenklang

Artist: Bognermayr + Zuschrader
This was a recording which was made completly at the legendary Fairlight System.
Produced, recorded and mixed 1981 at the „Electronisches Försterhaus Studio für computerakustische Musik” in Linz/Austria.
Digitally mastered


14,90 EUR
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V/A - European New Instrumental Music

Artist: V/A
P: 1989
Very good collection of Electronc tracks from the 80s.

22,50 EUR
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V/A - Galaxy Vol. III

Artist: Software, Schmölling,Double Fantasy,
Wahnfried,Megabyte u.a.

P: 1990
This is one of the early IC Collections with the best tracks from the electronicmusic world, not only with IC releases, more with best of all tracks.

Here the last copy!

15,90 EUR
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V/A - Hearts of Space Universe 5

Artist: V/A
P: 1999
Universe compiles the fall 1999 releases by the US Hearts of Space label.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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