Artemiev, Edward
Over 140 "scores for sound" created by him for the cinema impress with a diversity of themes, plots, genres and heterogeneity of artistic tasks, no matter whether they are solved by means of electronics or symphony orchestra. If necessary, the composer makes use of samplers, or acoustical instruments, or orchestra. His compositions written in the 60s-the early 70s belong to the aesthetics of avant-garde. Thank to electronics, which enabled 'to enter a qualitatively different acoustical world, sound colour and timbre became the field where a search for new musical laws and relationship could be undertaken. "Sound is a palette with most subtle and lavish nuances of colours. Electronics lends some new qualities to it: peculiar acoustical sounding, unlimited duration, abundance of timbres". It is in electronics that Artemiev finds what most appeals to his gift. For him the synthesiser is a possibility to compose" sound, timbre, to sculpt it, to lend form, "colour", energy, duration. A most fascinating task for the musician with a creator's imagination, a colourist's talent and an inventor's intuition!

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