Wouden, Rene van der REWO

Born in 1972, Reeuwijk Netherlands. Very musical background, started to play the piano at the age of 8. Became interested in electronic instruments soon afterwards. First electronic instrument was the EMINENT organ, second instrument a few years later was the Korg Poly 800. 
Wouden, Rene van der REWO
Rene van der Wouden - A Night at the Manor

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2020

The new electronic music album by René van der Wouden. Music with Berlin School flavour and a personal interpretation of that. Powerful sequences with haunting melodies and great sound design. Total lenght is 56 minutes. 5 tracks. The idea of making a recording about the Manor, the studio where bands were signed during the early Virgin label times, and recorded their albums came some years ago. I have always imagined how it would be recording in a big old house with an atmosphere full of magic and unbelievable things. Well here it is. The album has 3 older tracks with were mixed this year and 2 entirely new ones. All together makes this concept. Some elements of those recorded can be discovered in the music as well.

13,90 EUR
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Rene van der Wouden - Alchemia

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2006

This CD of Dutch electronic artist René van der Wouden is called: “Alchemia” and is the official follow-up of "Pro Sequentia" CD of the year before.
60 minutes of retro-based music with sequencers, mellotron-sounds and melodies in the style of the grandmasters of EM during 1976-1985 added with some new elements as well.
Since more than 2000 years Alchemists all over the world have spent all their time, effort and mostly themselves to the great Goddess of Alchemia. She demanded from them a lot, but gave more in return to those who had the courage and the talent to become one of her elected sons.
In their search to wisdom, spiritualization and the eternal life, the Alchemists stepped across the borders of all conventions, natural sciences, religion and reason. Although they never may have changed the base metals into silver or gold and they never acquired immortality, human chemistry saw its light in their laboratory. And when Surrealism was borrowed from their way of life and world of arts, the main goal of the Alchemists has always been to shine on that, to what all people may searching for, the Self of the Human Spirit. As Carl Young said: "Heaven has become an empty space to mankind".
May the heavens of the Alchemists be the opposite to that. Through the true glass of alchemy, far across the heavens, strengthened with golden dreams of silver elements, the Alchemists, while the Self already gone to earth thru the books of minerals, will help you to explore your very own imagination.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Astromen

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2020

This album is part of a trilogy of the Stargazing series. The first album "Stargazer" was released in 2015. The second part is "Return to the Stargaze". This is part 3.
The musical style is: Berlin School kind of sequencing with those typical Tangerine Dream's Mellotrons combined with 70-ties space music, a bit of progrock and some Klaus Schulze inspirations.
Equipment used: Moog Voyager, Arturia Matrixbrute, Sequential Circuits Prophet REV2, Korg Proloque, Behringer K2, Clavia Nordlead 2X, Roland Fantom G8, Korg M3, Yamaha Motif XS6, Arturia MicroFreak and Kurzweil PC3LE6.
Software: Logic Pro X, Waves, Arturia EFX

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Atmospherics in a Nutshell

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2018

Berlin School, Inspired by: Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and Ashra

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Cinnamon Horizons

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2020

"This is my most Tangerine Dreamish album I have done. And I enjoyed doing it."
All music composed, played and produced by René van der Wouden in August-September 2020 Netherlands.
Instruments used on this recording:
Arturia Matrixbrute, Moog Voyager, ARP Odyssey, Korg Prologue, Sequential Prophet REV2, Arturia MikroFreak, Korg M3, Roland Fantom G8, Yamaha Motif XS and Kurzweil PC3.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Cloud Atlas: Altostratus / Cirrostratus

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2007

This music is a tribute to the different kind of clouds. Some more slower pieces, but still with nice sequencing, hymn like melodies and nice tunes, that fit perfectly to the theme. A double CD that lifts you up.

16,80 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Dreamspace

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2018

Berlin School tracks with nice instruments:
Minimoog Voyager, MFB Dominion 1, Mono Evolver Keyboard, MS20, Odyssey, PC3, Mopho keyboard, MiniBrute, DW8000, Triton Extreme, OASYS, Fantom X8, Wavestation, DX7, Virus KC, Nordlead 2x, BASS station II and Alchemy.

14,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Electronic Improvisations on Shimmer Winter Days

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2021

These recordings are live improvised sets where all music and sounds are played "live" in real time with no MIDI sequencing or any other pre-computed manipulating activities.
In other words, like grandmasters as Klaus Schulze, push the red button of the tape-recorder, concentrate and focus, and go.
90% of the instruments and sounds are analogue. Used equipment:
Arturia Beatstep Pro and MatrixBrute Sequencers, Sequential Prophet REV2, Korg Monologue, Moog Minimoog Voyager, ARP Odyssey, Behringer K2, Arturia MikroFreak, Kurzweil V.A.S.T. & Boss GT-Pro


13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - EP Combi

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2015

In 2008 REWO Music released the EP "Musique Concrete". These songs were written during the same period as those of Universal Quiet. However, these songs are more experimental and therefore released as an EP.
In 2012 REWO Music released another EP called "Pictures of an Indian Summer". These 30 minutes are a short analogue soundtrip accompanied by a Korg Wavestation and an Access Virus KB.
Now because of the 10th Anniversary of Rene van der Wouden releasing music, these 2 EPs are combined on one album especially printed on aluminium CDr.
Track 7 is bonus track, previously unreleased.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Rene van der Wouden - Fixus Naturalis

Artist: Rene van der Wouden
P: 2010

The music of this album was recorded right after the Numerus Fixus album. The main style of the music is ambient and space recorded in a "Waiting for Cousteau" manner.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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