Eric G
The swedish Synthesizer musician started in 1979, when he bought his first real synth; the Roland SH-1000, which he still has. You might dismiss this synth as being a very simple preset synth, but in fact the Control Section is very capable. He learned everything about analog synthesis from this synth. In the early 80's he began to expand with a Roland RS-09 Organ/Strings (wonderful!), a Boss DR-55 and a Casio VL-Tone. Korg MS-10 and SQ-10 also made a serious addition. And more were to follow...
In the 80's, he composed and recorded loads of songs, around 25 full C90 cassette tapes. As time went and he could afford more equipment, he bought a Tascam 368 8-track casette recorder, which he still uses. He recorded a few of his very best songs from 1978 to 1999, named the result "Conclusion" and sent the demo to several music magazines. In 2001 he started burning CDRs at home and started to sell his music.