
Born in Harlem / Netherlands, Remy Stoomer is a studied musician and labelmanager.
Remy + My Breath my Music - Sessions 2012

Artist: Remy + My Breath my Music
P: 2013
It is the surprising output of a very special music session I did together with students from the "My Breath My Music" foundation.
The purpose of "My Breath My Music" is to offer people with severe physical disabilities, an opportunity to make music especially with instruments developed for their needs.The Magic Flute, a specially developed instrument which was originally designed as an adaptive musical instrument for people with little or no arm movement, was built with the goal to allow people with a wide range of disabilities to perform live electronic music and aim for the highest professional levels of performance. The Magic Flute is an electronic wind instrument. It is unique because it can be played without hands. The wind instrument can also be connected to other electric sound sources like synthesizers or MIDI computers enabling the user to generate a broad variety of different sounds. The sounds used for this project are specially programmed. They respond very well to breath controlled data produced by the Magic Flute.
August 3rd, 2012, I was invited by Ruud van der Wel to perform a special project with members of his "My Breath My Music" foundation. I had no idea at all what to expect, but the young and talented musicians did a tremendous job improvising on my tracks, while they were entirely unfamiliar with my (kind of) music.
I am very honoured to have been part of this wonderful initiative. On the album (which contains the full sessions) you can hear the possibilities of the Magic Flute, as well as proof that there are no restrictions to speaking the language of music.


12,90 EUR
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Remy + Spyra - Planet of the Arps

Artist: Remy + Spyra
P: 2019
“Planet of the Arps” is a tribute to Halton Arp and his Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, Alan R. Pearlman and his legendary ARP synthesizers, the musical phenomenon arpeggio (whether or not produced by an arpeggiator), and the Planet of the Apes science fiction franchise.

Composed and produced by Remy Stroomer.

Featuring Roksana Vikaluk (Ukraine) and Wolfram Spyra (Germany).

Recorded and mixed by Remy Stroomer between July 2010 and April 2015 at Exhibition of Dreams, IJmuiden.

Contains excerpts from concerts at the Zeiss Planetarium Bochum (Germany), September 15th, 2012 (performed by Remy Stroomer) and “Chill at the Castle - Electric Edition”, Ruïne van Brederode, Santpoort-Zuid (Netherlands), June 27th, 2014 (performed by Remy Stroomer (synthesizers), Wolfram Spyra (synthesizers and live edits) and Roksana Vikaluk (vocals)).

Remixed by Remy Stroomer between January and February 2019 at Exhibition of Dreams, IJmuiden.

14,90 EUR
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Remy + Synth.NL - PrimiTiveS

Artist: Remy + Synth.NL
P: 2013
After we first met at the E-live festival in 2007 and several other electronic music events, it soon became clear that we had a common interest in synthesizers as well as the music of Jean Michel Jarre. He influenced us both, but our own styles evolved in different directions. Eventually during one of our dinners we decided that it would be cool to make some music together or at least give it a try. So we started doing some studio sessions and found out that our approaches were completely different.
Remy started yelling musical terms and Michel had no idea what he was talking about. Where Michel can’t even read notes, Remy is classically schooled. In the end we found out that we shouldn’t talk too much and should just listen to each other and improvise. That turned out to be a good idea and in the end we made a lot of useful material. During this process we became good friends and we think you can hear that back on the album.
We think that this album is a good mixture of both our styles with music we wouldn’t have created on our own. We hope you enjoy listening to this album as much as we did creating it.

2013. Remy Stroomer & Michel van Osenbruggen

 "PrimiTiveS" is the debut-album by the established Dutch synthesists Remy (aka Remy Stroomer) and (aka Michel van Osenbruggen). Although they are both musically influenced by Jean Michael Jarre, classically-trained Remy and autodidact both have developed their own style, character and approach in their music.
After they got to know each other on E-Live 2007, the two guys started developing compositions and ideas in their own studios respectively, sending them back and forth in the last couple of years. In later stages, they actually joined forces by coming out, play and finalize things together in the studio in what has ended up as "PrimiTiveS".
The outcome of one and a half years of intensive (and of what I’ve heard also exhausting) work has really paid off, and is topped by another excellent mastering job by Wouter Bessels. The nine transparent and spatial sounding compositions (although no straight-forward melodic songs) form a sonic adventure, featuring some powerful lead voices, bass lines and cracking drums. But there’s also room for tranquil interludes such as the intimate "Liquid Spheres". There actually a lot going on in this free-style kind of e-music.
Besides a most interesting sound spectrum, a lot of attention is given to detail and the distinct layering/merging of pads. It’s accessible, spatial and fresh, but also breaths a somewhat different air than we are used to from each of the composers. The minimal flavours, piano playing, Schulze-touches and choir textures are courtesy of Remy (e.g. "Frozen Cubes"), while Michel hints for the groovy and melodic drive along soaring leads, bubbling and quirky sound effects. The latter is nicely displayed on tracks such as "Fractured Splines", "Crashing Toroids" or the energetic "Burning Cylinders".
Like the first Boots/ release, "PrimiTiveS" is a fun release in which the enthusiasm of Remy and Michel is constantly present and shining through.
Nice going guys, hat’s off for this fine album!

2013. Bert Strolenberg /

11,90 EUR
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Remy - Art of Imagination

Artist: Remy
P: 2000
The interesting thing about Remy is that, in comparison to a lot of his electronic colleagues, he doesn’t take Schulze’s classic recordings from the seventies as an example but his more contemporary recordings, especially those from the early nineties.
“The Art Of Imagination” is divided into six “images”, as Remy calls his compositions. “Image One” is build up in a fascinating way. Opening with those typical Korg synth-choirs, than flute solo’s follow and a soft sequence is added. In “Image Two” basses play an important part together with intriguing rhythms and all kinds of solos on bass (electronic, of course) and strings. Rhythmical, though relaxing a fine combination. The soft rhythms resume their way in “Image Three” and Remy starts to solo on acoustic guitar (for the instrument-freaks amongst us: also typical Korg), piano and vintage synths. Now, it is time for the epic and melancholically “Image Four” which shows us a quite varying Remy, from classical to rock. “Image Five” must be heard by Klaus Schulze-fans: a driven sequence, metallic rhythms, effects (Remy uses two VCS3’s) and great solos. After this, in “Image Six” the choirs return in a bombastic conclusion to this surprising album.

Remy makes music, which might appeal the lovers of retrospective electronic music but also those who like more rhythmical stuff. So, “The Art Of Imagination” actually is an album for everyone. And the recording is great too.

14,90 EUR
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Remy - Connected

Artist: Remy
P: 2003
Remy returns to these virtual pages with an offering thematically connected to his recent Disconnected, in title at least.
The music is similarly influenced by Klaus Schulze, circa 1975-78 and fans of Schulze's recordings of that era are almost sure to enjoy this one. Remy composes very ably in this style, and while the stylistic innovations may be few, he is able to use and twist the style to respond to his personal expressions.

All music composed, played and produced by Remy Stroomer. Co-produced by Ewout Koek.
Guitar on "Ages" by Curly Quazar.

The two twin-albums “DisConnected” and “Connected” shows us a Remy who has matured in his music and who has developed a style of his own. And an impressive style it is. Using both classic instruments like the VCS3 (I and II) and the Memorymoog as well as modern equipment, he brings us music that will appeal to a lot of electronic music fans.
He combines excellent sequences, great atmospheres, well-constructed rhythms and nice solos. A great example of this is the track “Ages” from “DisConnected” which shows Curly Quazar on electric guitar. Remy is a master of the sequence: “The Missing Part” from “Connected” clearly indicates this.

15,40 EUR
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Remy - Different Shades of Dust

Artist: Remy
P: 2004
Remy has a very personal style. His music joins elements from Synth-Pop, Sequencer Berlin School style of electronic music, Trance, Ambient, and some Techno touches. The three long pieces that integrate "Different shades of dust" are overflown with dynamism, a strong rhythm, and occasionally, also romanticism and passion.
The whole album has a deep cybernetic air, not only due to the use of synthesizers, but also because of the style of the compositions itself.


14,90 EUR
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Remy - DisConnected

Artist: Remy
P: 2003
All music composed, played and produced by Remy Stroomer. Co-produced by Ewout Koek.
Guitar on "Ages" by Curly Quazar.

The two twin-albums “DisConnected” and “Connected” shows us a Remy who has matured in his music and who has developed a style of his own. And an impressive style it is. Using both classic instruments like the VCS3 (I and II) and the Memorymoog as well as modern equipment, he brings us music that will appeal to a lot of electronic music fans.
He combines excellent sequences, great atmospheres, well-constructed rhythms and nice solos. A great example of this is the track “Ages” from “DisConnected” which shows Curly Quazar on electric guitar. Remy is a master of the sequence: “The Missing Part” from “Connected” clearly indicates this.

15,40 EUR
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Remy - EOD

Artist: Remy
P: 2009    
"EoD" is the first part of the 10th anniversary of his debut release "Exhibition of Dreams", containing newly recorded versions of a selection of the original tracks from 1999 album.
“EoD” comprises five long tracks, making up over 70 minutes of fine electronics with many nice breaks and smooth solos to keep the attention of the listener.
In its own way, the sonic content with repetitive structures presented here recalls a classic quality, which is due to the chosen warm sound pads, varied drums/ percussion and evocative sequencer patterns. Combined with sweeping melodic lines, it lends the overall outcome a relaxed, moody and even a certain vintage feel.


14,90 EUR
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Remy - Exhibition of Dreams 2 CD Version

Artist: Remy
P: 1999/ 2010
In the summer of 1999 Remy moves all his equipment to the attis of Ewout's home. Earlier that year there has been made a selection of tracks which have been composed in the previous two years, and which are likely to appear on the final version of Remy's debut release Exhibition of Dreams. The basis of the tracks were recorded on Remy'sbrave old Atari computer, and because the original recordings have been done with minidisc, without the possibility to dub everything, all tracks were recorded in just one take, without any editing. In December 1999 the final 2-CD-R version of Exhibition of Dreams was being distributed in a limited number of copies only. Now, ten years after the Exhibition of Dreams release, this album can finally be heard by a lager audience. The original recordings from 1999 have been 24 Bits / 96 KHz digitally remastered entirely.
The music is a kind of Klaus Schulze early 90ies style and this CD is completely different to the EOD release by Remy, which has nearly the same name.
10th Anniversary.
The original recordings from 1999 have been remastered entirely.
Music composed and performed by Remy.

19,40 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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