Artist: Quantec
P: 2012
Within the first minutes of reverbed vocalsamples appearing out of ambientish soundscapes, the listener becomes a confederate within Quantec‘s sound universe. Statements that seem to speak to oneself from another space and time set the mood for his new Album ‚1000 Vakuum Tubes’. Its surprisingly melodic an rhythmic opener ‚Ayahuasca’ sets the mood for Quantec’s versatile voyage through his own Dub history. Sven Schienhammer, the man behind this moniker, has a broad view on the sounds an techniques of Dub. Where in other productions coldness and monotony became a standard sound of Dubtechno, the psychedelic warmth of this longplayer let the listener dive constantly deeper into Quantec‘s ‚Vacuum’.
Within the full length oft the album, the tracks keep up a certain kind of lightness while still remaining dancable all the time. Vocal cut-ups and fragments of house music like in ‚Truth Maintenance’ and ‚Eternal Soul’ are as well processed as deep basslines and meditative echospheres (for example ‚Unplumbed Depth’ or the title track ‚1000 Vacuum Tubes’). Reminiscences of the analogue beginnings of the ‚Basic Channel Sound’ like in ‚The Gathering’ sup up with modern digital arrangements (‚Brain Machinery’). Everything ist held together through the pointed use of vocals that create the necessary amount of personality and deepness.
Besides all its complexity Quantec‘s album always remains a traditional Dub album. Which is a good thing. The different approaches of the tracks point to a greater understanding of dub as a production method that consits of much more than a typical trademarksound. It’s not the effects that stand in the foreground but a way of fathoming the different forms of expression of Dub in electronic music. ‚1000 Vacuum Tubes’ generates its special qualities from a deep understanding of a long history of Dub in Techno music. Quantec knows how to combine these elements to create a magnificient and timeless longplayer.
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