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Artists: Human Metronome P: 2010 The music conceived for this album seemed to have been waiting in a dormant state for a while. Somehow I had always wanted to make a purely organic sounding album which submerges the listener in a natural world with all the distinctive sounds that it produces. The songs were constructed in al loose and spontaneous manner without overly concerning myself with details. Although perfectionism was always lurking around the corner all in all the creative flow kept being undisturbed and the music was birthed in relatively short amount of time. The listener is taken on a voyage to an organic world full of life where man is in sheer wonder about the beauty of its environment. In this space he forgets his old life of worries about survival and mundane trivialities and discovers his playful inner child. At the end of the day he sits in a cave overlooking the forest and releases a deep sigh: he finally realizes he has found the key to true wisdom.