Rainbow Serpent

Rainbow Serpent founded in  1994 consist of the two musicians Frank Specht and Gerd Wienekamp based in  Oldenburg / Germany. Their style is melodic, athmosphärical elektronik instrumentalmusic with influences of the Berlin School.
This discription is from A.Savin.
The artistphoto is made by A.Savin.

Rainbow Serpent
Der Laborant - Kontakt

Artist: Der Laborant
P: 1998 / 2012

The classic solo release of Rainbow Serpent member. Perfect sequences and Berlin School melodies.

14,90 EUR
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Frank Specht (Rainbow Serpent) - Sebastian im Traum

Artist: Frank Specht (Rainbow Serpent)
P: 2000/ 2008
"Sebastian im Traum' is named after a track from the Klaus Schulze "Audentity" album.
This is something of a concept album following the passage of a series of dreams. Cosmic shimmers act as a gentle introduction to ‘Traum 1’ but then a great whoosh of sound descends on us like a tidal wave. A gorgeous shimmering lead line then grabs the focus and a bass beat forms a solid structure on which a sequence starts to emerge and another brighter rhythm is layered over the top. An energetic driving number providing a splendid start. Each track runs into each other so we move straight into ‘Traum 2’ a very melodic piano lead piece. ‘Traum 3’ is a marked contrast to the previous number as we are immediately treated to dark synth drones. A delicate echoing motif is repeated and each time left to hang in the air until it fades away. A sequence emerges out of the dark but just acts as the backbone to a rather sleepy but hypnotic section. It is only after seven minutes that things start to take off and we get more umph! ‘Traum 4’ introduces a superb heavy rhythm over which floats a sublime melody. For the final minute and a bit we return to the world of shifting images.
‘Traum 5’ uses a faintly tribal rhythm, flute and didgeridoo. The didg is an instrument I don’t usually like on EM albums but here it fits perfectly. At two minutes the rhythm becomes rather manic then fades back again to allow Gothic chants to be heard, it all works superbly. I know some of you will be put off by the description of this track, don’t be it is extremely inventive, effective and not remotely cliched. We then return to the watery shifting thoughts of background sleep. ‘Traum 6’ retains the flute sound from before but then a sequence takes its first descriptively mellow steps. Another higher register one is layered over the top then more and more until I lose count of all the different lines involved. Superb stuff! More cosmic bleeps and twitters take us into ‘Traum 7’. From atmospheric beginnings a bass (non dance) rhythm very slowly unfolds then we get a steam train making its stately progress down the line. More atmospheric pads are used as the backdrop to a melodic sequence. This is a beautiful track and for me is the standout number on the album. We flow from one stunning melodic sequence to the next and the underpinning pads are just heavenly. Now on to the final Traum. The sequences are now menacing but are added to by a more playful one at around the four minute mark. We are dreaming again but this seems like a disturbed and unsettled sleep from which we will be pleased to wake.
So to sum up this album has sequences a plenty but don’t expect them to be of the thunderous earthquake or a million mile an hour variety. What you have here is quite an emotional album but in the best sense and not remotely twee.

14,90 EUR
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Frank Specht (Rainbow Serpent) - Sebastian im Traum

Artist: Frank Specht (Rainbow Serpent)
P: 2000
"Sebastian im Traum' is named after a track from the Klaus Schulze "Audentity" album.
This is something of a concept album following the passage of a series of dreams. Cosmic shimmers act as a gentle introduction to ‘Traum 1’ but then a great whoosh of sound descends on us like a tidal wave. A gorgeous shimmering lead line then grabs the focus and a bass beat forms a solid structure on which a sequence starts to emerge and another brighter rhythm is layered over the top. An energetic driving number providing a splendid start. Each track runs into each other so we move straight into ‘Traum 2’ a very melodic piano lead piece. ‘Traum 3’ is a marked contrast to the previous number as we are immediately treated to dark synth drones. A delicate echoing motif is repeated and each time left to hang in the air until it fades away. A sequence emerges out of the dark but just acts as the backbone to a rather sleepy but hypnotic section. It is only after seven minutes that things start to take off and we get more umph! ‘Traum 4’ introduces a superb heavy rhythm over which floats a sublime melody. For the final minute and a bit we return to the world of shifting images.
‘Traum 5’ uses a faintly tribal rhythm, flute and didgeridoo. The didg is an instrument I don’t usually like on EM albums but here it fits perfectly. At two minutes the rhythm becomes rather manic then fades back again to allow Gothic chants to be heard, it all works superbly. I know some of you will be put off by the description of this track, don’t be it is extremely inventive, effective and not remotely cliched. We then return to the watery shifting thoughts of background sleep. ‘Traum 6’ retains the flute sound from before but then a sequence takes its first descriptively mellow steps. Another higher register one is layered over the top then more and more until I lose count of all the different lines involved. Superb stuff! More cosmic bleeps and twitters take us into ‘Traum 7’. From atmospheric beginnings a bass (non dance) rhythm very slowly unfolds then we get a steam train making its stately progress down the line. More atmospheric pads are used as the backdrop to a melodic sequence. This is a beautiful track and for me is the standout number on the album. We flow from one stunning melodic sequence to the next and the underpinning pads are just heavenly. Now on to the final Traum. The sequences are now menacing but are added to by a more playful one at around the four minute mark. We are dreaming again but this seems like a disturbed and unsettled sleep from which we will be pleased to wake.
So to sum up this album has sequences a plenty but don’t expect them to be of the thunderous earthquake or a million mile an hour variety. What you have here is quite an emotional album but in the best sense and not remotely twee.

Here the last copy of the original factory pressed CD!

19,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent + Isgaard - Stranger

Artist: Rainbow Serpent & Isgaard
P: 2010
The fantastic new album of the great German EM Duo with the wellknown singing artist Isgaard (Schiller etc.). Packed in a deluxe 6-pages DigiPak with booklet.
Lyrics & Vocals: Jens Lück & Isgaard on track 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. 
This combination with Isgaard gives the music of RS the right kick.
Sounds very relaxed and professional and in a certain way like the Schiller releases.

18,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Cosmo Vision

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 1995/ 2005
This was their first concert, performed in their hometown of Oldenburg. During the two-hour concert, which was held on the 2nd December 1995, projections of heavenly bodies were used to accompany the music.
What we have here are selected tracks from their first concert in 1995. The running order is not as in the concert but the tracks are beautifully placed next to and float into each other. It comes over sounding much more like a studio album, its hard to believe that such complex music was actually played live. Its also hard to believe that it has remained unreleased for so long. Its straight into fast sequence territory with the opener 'Over the Edge'. The first melody is slow and drifting contrasting nicely with the urgent pace of the rest of the track. Things then quieten down nicely as another sequence develops. Melodic whooshes of sound add to the excitement still further as the sequences continue to blast forward.


14,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Cutted Scenes

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 1999/ 2005
Seven tracks are listed but the first six are really just parts in a fifty plus minute epic. Electronic wooshes and bleeps ripple from the speakers as we delve into 'Believe'. Heavily processed NASA samples float forward but because of the processing they don't seem cliched in any way. Monk chants are next, they are used very subtly so again work well. Under all this waves of synth sounds rise and fall. A delicate but exquisite rhythm drives the track along nicely and makes you realise that 'Cutted Scenes' is another Rainbow Serpent corker!
'Imagination Fire' introduces a tinkling sequence then a monster one is layered over the top and to add to the pulsating brew further a bass rhythm storms forth, fasten those seat belts! Another rhythm "splashes" into play adding to the range of frequencies being deployed. We get an almost Schulze like change in the rhythmic and sequential structure next reminding me a little of 'Drive Inn'. What an awesome track. 'Silent Running' initially sooths the senses back into a state of calm with lush pads and more cosmic sounds but it isn't long before a nice thick sequence rumbles forward . It begins to increase in intensity and the excitement builds all the way until we get to 'Exploring The Mars'. So the recent Mars probe didn't discover what the planet sounded like. Well no worries Rainbow Serpent knew already, and what a weird and wonderful place it must be too by the sounds of what is on offer here. Its all very atmospheric with lots of different noises all caressing your senses but coexisting perfectly. Some structure eventually starts to materialise and the picture now created is one of heat hazes clouding the vision. At the half way mark a sequence starts to develop low in the mix and becomes more prominent. A superb rhythm comes and goes until it eventually remains and becomes the highlight of the track. This number has absolutely everything and is one of my favourite slices of their art.
'From Darkroom to Digital' brings yet another top flight sequence into play. There are some sound effects in the background of someone moving around but then we get a gorgeous piano melody and slow deep beat. Another lovely track providing the most melodic moments so far. 'Exploring The Mars Part 2' takes us back to the red planet but now we seem to be hearing strange alien creatures slithering around and warbling to each other. A military rhythm enters bringing a sequence closely on its heals, getting louder and louder as though we can hear the rotor blades of some craft getting closer. Mayhem always sounds as though it is just about to take over but somehow things manage to remain in control. Rainbow Serpent just get better and better.

14,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Live at Liphook 2007

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 2008
This CD contains the impressive concert that Rainbow Serpent gave at Liphook / UK in 2007. The work is entirely composed by the artist except for one of the themes, "Rückblenden", written by himself and Mario Schoenwalder.
Throughout the 71 minutes that the CD lasts, we can hear Space Music themes, others of a Synth-Pop structure, and some with the typical characteristics of Contemporary Instrumental Music. There is a great variety of textures and emotions. Some passages are cold, mysterious. Others turn out to be warm.
The final result is very good.

16,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Pulse

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 2000 / 2015
Here Rainbow Serpent walk in the footsteps of Klaus Schulze and produced one of their best releases so far.

14,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Sequel To Voyager

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 1999/ 2006
Rainbow Serpent have been one of the top-selling synthesizer acts around Europe in the last couple of years, and with their seemingly effortless integration of the styles of Vangelis, Klaus Schulze and Steve Roach it's not difficult to see their appeal.
On "Sequel" though they're stretching out a little, perhaps influenced by the more experimental attitude of Gerd Wienekamp's solo project Der Laborant, but not too much - so that the four-part "Scenes Of Capturing Auras" (19.00) opens with a declamatory voice but rapidly moves into a techno dance workout and on through Vangelis-style romanticism into an incredibly Jarre/Oxygene-like sequencer piece.
"Scenes of Old Legends" (in three parts, totalling 22 minutes), covers among other subjects Ayers Rock (the inevitable didgeridoos are very distant and synthesized though) and "King Arthur's Quest", giving the subject a beaty, rolling-sequenced treatment a million miles away from Rick Wakeman's rich orchestral style (although a Gregorian choir does put in a brief appearance before the end!).
"Scenes Of Everyday Life" (another three parts and another 18 minutes long) again merges abstract synthesis with subtle techno dance/acid elements using a range of styles and tempos. And in closing, there's a 12-minute extract from 1998's performance at the Alfa Centauri Festival in Holland, concentrating on huge choral sounds, lightweight warbling sequencers and a touch of acid dance rhythm towards the end.
With "Sequel", Rainbow Serpent have turned in another immaculately produced, widely varied and epic synthesizer set. Some of the tracks (as ever) are too close for comfort to the very recognisable styles of other artists, but there's much to enjoy here.

14,90 EUR
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Rainbow Serpent - Silver Blue

Artist: Rainbow Serpent
P: 1999/ 2005
Like 'Cutted Scenes' the tracks run into each other providing a superb continuous listening experience. No wasting time, straight into the sequence with 'Skydance'. A heavy beat thuds over the top, getting as close as this album gets to dance territory but it doesn't overstep the mark. At just under four minutes delicate melodies start to come and go weaving round each other tricking the senses.
In some ways this reminded me of more recent Schulze of Wahnfried. At seven minutes calm descends, another sequence picking up close to the end which carries us into 'In Trance'. A rhythm plays over a hellish montage of sounds and a high register sequence delicately floats over the top of a deeper more menacing sequence that comes to join it. The way the two sequences combine with the snare rhythm and effects is masterly but when the main lead comes in at eight and a half minutes it will make you go weak at the knees. Klaus Schulze is again the obvious influence here but condensed. Another stunning track.
'Lightstorm' uses a note droplet type sequence over cosmic effects to form a delicate beginning but things are then beefed up with the introduction of a deep rhythm. Melodies jump from one beat to the next until a no nonsense lead line takes us to 'Visible Dreams'. Thuds sound as if a door is being blown in the wind and smashed against a wall but this then develops into a rhythm underlying the rest of the track containing some of the most devastating lead lines so far. The track ebbs and flows with loads happening, its as if months of care has gone into every sound and every melody during every second. Again, superb. 'Entrance' uses wind blown wooden chimes and washes of synth tones to create the perfect atmosphere behind at first a fast deep sequence then another driving beat.
'Rainbow Runner' goes from metallic opening effects to an equally metallic sequence which rumbles along in fine fashion intensifying and becoming more exciting all the time creating a hypnotic groove. 'Back to the Rocks' has flute melodies over faintly ethnic drumming and didgeridoo. Steve Roach I hear you all thinking but I would be a lot happier if everything Steve did was up to this emotionally tinged but exciting quality. This one has to be heard to be appreciated because just describing the elements that go to make it up would give you a very misleading impression. 'Living Surreal Strings' is a the weirdest track on the album with a very heavy and deep rhythm, more like an earthquake, contrasting with gentle synth pads. Rainbow Serpent go up in my estimation with every track I hear from them and it seems to me that they are growing in confidence as musicians all the time at last maybe just realising how good and ahead of most of the pack they really are.

14,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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