Offthesky (Jason Corder) has been making strange and exciting electronic music sometime's considered "ambient" for a while now. Born in 1977, he remembers experimenting on the piano at a very early age - to the chagrin of his parents. His dive into the world of electronic music occurred when he began recording music for videogames and the local radio show that played a plethora of new music in the early 90s. He then began hacking away on multitrack recorders and later upgraded to using more advanced techniques. His passion for acoustic instruments of all kinds has naturally led him to integrate them into his own compositions.
about the moniker, or why offthesky?
about the moniker, or why offthesky?
off the sky was the original version but much later jason decided to simplify and evolve the phrase by truncating the spaces to forming an even more unique morpheme. originally the idea of the truncation was in order that solo projects could exist and be released under the offthesky iteraton and group based projects could use the off the sky version - however this quickly became confusing for labels, the fans, and the scene in general so jason has since decided to simplify and go minimal with the latest evolution of 'offthesky.

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