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Artist: Ethernet P: 2014 The Tanuki Dreams collection is a compilation of my “early” (mostly composed in ‘08-‘10-era, with some retouching and editing in ‘11-‘12) Ethernet pieces, previously released only in very limited hand-made editions and on Bandcamp. Johan from Gterma suggested compiling his favorite pieces and having them professionally remastered, with very subtle crossfading between each track to create a continuous flowing experience. I also included a track (Kamo River) that I contributed for a Japan tsunami relief benefit compilation, and a previously unreleased track (Reversal Of Time), both recorded in the same era as the rest of the material (‘09, I believe). Since an early age, I have been fascinated by Japanese culture, music and art. The mystical attributes of the tanuki, a type of raccoon-dog that lives in the forests and plays tricks on humans by shape-shifting into different forms, especially resonated with me. In college, I was able to spend a year in Central Japan as an exchange student, and explored as much of the country as possible, making many field recordings with a minidisk recorder I bought there. The field recordings have featured in many of my compositions and live sets since then; in the track Kamo River (named after a river in Kyoto), the buzzing of the first cicada of summer can be heard droning throughout, while Windy Neighborhood and Rain Spirits both feature some of the many (many!) recordings I made of wind and rain there. The concept of Tanuki Dreams reflects my approach to composing music as Ethernet; dream-like, perhaps mystical, sounds that one might experience while wandering in the deep woods.