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Artist: Nattefrost P: 2016 A special birthday present to Bjorn Jeppsen alias Nattefrost. Various artists from the European electronic music scene interpreting compositions of Danish electronic genius Nattefrost. Among them projects as Mythos, Dithmar, Circus of Air, Herzinfarkt, Sonnenbrandt, Tor Brandt. and many others
Artist: Remy + Synth.NL P: 2013 After we first met at the E-live festival in 2007 and several other electronic music events, it soon became clear that we had a common interest in synthesizers as well as the music of Jean Michel Jarre. He influenced us both, but our own styles evolved in different directions. Eventually during one of our dinners we decided that it would be cool to make some music together or at least give it a try. So we started doing some studio sessions and found out that our approaches were completely different. Remy started yelling musical terms and Michel had no idea what he was talking about. Where Michel can’t even read notes, Remy is classically schooled. In the end we found out that we shouldn’t talk too much and should just listen to each other and improvise. That turned out to be a good idea and in the end we made a lot of useful material. During this process we became good friends and we think you can hear that back on the album. We think that this album is a good mixture of both our styles with music we wouldn’t have created on our own. We hope you enjoy listening to this album as much as we did creating it. 2013. Remy Stroomer & Michel van Osenbruggen "PrimiTiveS" is the debut-album by the established Dutch synthesists Remy (aka Remy Stroomer) and (aka Michel van Osenbruggen). Although they are both musically influenced by Jean Michael Jarre, classically-trained Remy and autodidact both have developed their own style, character and approach in their music. After they got to know each other on E-Live 2007, the two guys started developing compositions and ideas in their own studios respectively, sending them back and forth in the last couple of years. In later stages, they actually joined forces by coming out, play and finalize things together in the studio in what has ended up as "PrimiTiveS". The outcome of one and a half years of intensive (and of what I’ve heard also exhausting) work has really paid off, and is topped by another excellent mastering job by Wouter Bessels. The nine transparent and spatial sounding compositions (although no straight-forward melodic songs) form a sonic adventure, featuring some powerful lead voices, bass lines and cracking drums. But there’s also room for tranquil interludes such as the intimate "Liquid Spheres". There actually a lot going on in this free-style kind of e-music. Besides a most interesting sound spectrum, a lot of attention is given to detail and the distinct layering/merging of pads. It’s accessible, spatial and fresh, but also breaths a somewhat different air than we are used to from each of the composers. The minimal flavours, piano playing, Schulze-touches and choir textures are courtesy of Remy (e.g. "Frozen Cubes"), while Michel hints for the groovy and melodic drive along soaring leads, bubbling and quirky sound effects. The latter is nicely displayed on tracks such as "Fractured Splines", "Crashing Toroids" or the energetic "Burning Cylinders". Like the first Boots/ release, "PrimiTiveS" is a fun release in which the enthusiasm of Remy and Michel is constantly present and shining through. Nice going guys, hat’s off for this fine album! 2013. Bert Strolenberg /
Artist: Ron Boots + Synth.NL P: 2020 This is our second album together and just like our first album from 2010 called ‘Refuge en Verre’ we recorded this music during a family holiday. This time we spend a whole week with our families in Bork Havn in Denmark. During the day we spend time with our families and in the evening we improvised in the temporary studio we build in a corner of the holiday house. We didn’t really prepare anything in advance so all music was recorded from live improvisation sessions during that week. The music was recorded in 2012, but due to personal circumstances we didn’t get around to finishing the album. But we both still had the desire to release it because we think the music we created there was special. So in 2020 we listened to the music again and selected the pieces we liked the most and decided we had to release it for you to enjoy. We both (Michel a bit more then me (Ron) started working individually on the tracks in our own studios and in the end we worked in Ron’s studio to finalize the end mix and the mastering. The album again is a symbol of our friendship. We met in 2006 during a Synthesizer Meeting organized by the Dutch ‘Synth Forum’ were we started talking about synthesizers and found out we shared the same fascinations. As a result Michel signed up as Synth.NL in 2007 with Groove Unlimited. We became good friends after that, and we visit each other on a regular basis. Not only to for music but also to enjoy a good meal or just a good talk. The album is called ‘BorkHavn‘ simply because that is were the music was recorded. The tracks were inspired by the events we experienced during the day. Sometimes it was the beautiful nature we enjoyed sometimes just the feeling of the moment. We hope you will enjoy this album. At least we had a great time creating the music and working on this album 8 years after recording it. It brought back good memories and only made our friendship stronger. Ron Boots & Michel van Osenbruggen
Artist: Ron Boots + Synth.NL P: 2010 A very good combination out of the two dutch Synthesizer musicians. The style is melodic, rhythmic and with a lot of sequences. This is our very first album together and it has a very nice story to it. We first met at a Synthesizer Meeting organized by the Dutch 'Synth Forum' in 2006. There we started talking about synthesizers and synthesizer music and found out that we shared the same fascinations. As a result Michel signed up as in 2007 with Groove. We worked a lot in the studio together after that remixing and mastering. Since then we have become very good friends and we visit each other on regular basis. Also our wives, kids and even the dogs like each other. In 2010 our wives decided to rent a house together in the Belgian Ardennes for a weekend. We both brought a synthesizer and a laptop and tried to make music together for the first time and that went very well actually. We recorded quite some tracks there. After the weekend we decided that we should release this music on CD. So we started on finishing the music together when we got back in our own studios. The result is this album called 'Refuge en Verre', which was the name of the house we rented. We got the inspiration for the music we played from the beautiful nature in the Belgian Ardennes and the nice time we had with our families over there. Most of the tracks were played live as improvisations in the temporary studio that we created in the rented house.
Artist: Synth.NL P: 2007 On his first album ”AeroDynamics” he manages to mix two of his big passions into a very interesting musical whole: Formula 1 racing (well, Michel doesn't race himself but he watches the races with great love and anticipation) and Electronic Music. The 12 tracks on ”AeroDynamics” are not only inspired by cars but also by planes where Michel has a special feeling for as well (he was once an F16-mechanic), especially the aerodynamics of the machines. Cars and planes go fast. “Fast” is also an idea the listener to ”AeroDynamics” might have because most of the compositions have a certain “drive”. The music is rhythmically done cleverly and played with much emphasis on melodies. Let’s say, this could be the music that Jean Michel Jarre might have created nowadays. That can be heard very well on tracks like “DownForce” that has a great base melody, “Drag”, “Turbulence” in which also modern day Tangerine Dream greets and “Modena” that has an euphoric overall feeling. In the relaxing “Stall” the rhythms are scaled down a little. In contrast, fans of danceable music are also invited to ”AeroDynamics” because a lot of the numbers have moments where the feet cannot be held on the ground. Within the world of Electronic Music which is primarily one of ambient and Berlin Schoolsequences, Michel’s work is a welcome new and fresh style.
Artist: Synth.NL P: 2011 Dedicated to the Apollo missions and the flight to the moon. My inspiration for this album came from the Apollo space missions that NASA took to the Moon during the 60's and 70's. Since I was born in 1969, the same year that Neil Amstrong set foot on the Moon, this has always made me feel very connected to this event. While listening to this album you will be taken on a journey from the Earth to the Moon and back again. Many of the astronauts that actually took this trip have stated that they went up there to discover the Moon, yet really discovered Earth; before, no-one had ever traveled far enough away to really see the whole planet in one view. Pictures of that beautiful blue marble floating in Space have become famous all over the World and made mankind feel more connected than ever before. In my opinion, the Moon landings represent mankind’s greatest technological achievement up to date. I really hope to live the day that mankind will be able to return there. 2011. Michel van Osenbruggen
Artist: Synth.NL P: 2008 Atmosphere is a great new album of synth music from Dutch synthesist Michel van Osenbruggen, aka Atmosphere is a concept album, based on the layers of atmosphere that surround the Earth, the various types of clouds that are encountered within each layer and the sounds of weather that might occur at each layer. The tracks are arranged to follow the layers of the atmosphere, as if you were taking a trip from the earth into space. The “atmosphere” concept isn't heavy-handed, but serves as a framework for Osenbruggen’s music, which is electronic music in the synth music tradition of artists like Tangerine Dream, 80’s Jan Hammer & Jean Michel Jarre. The music has a symphonic electronica texture with an emphasis on traditional analog-style sounds.