IcingWolf is a musical project of the German musician Monika Freerk. The project exists since 2011. She makes her dream come true after more than 30 years. IcingWolf grew up with the music of early 1970s as a kid and with the music of the 1980s as a teen. IcingWolf’s music is still influenced by the music of that time.
As instruments IcingWolf uses most hardware gear and sometimes VST’s. She collaborated with other musicians like CrashDumpFile, Moebius and others. An album with CrashDumpFile as “Two Of A Kind” – Project is also available on Bandcamp.
Her first release was “ViveSomnium” in 2017 @ Calling The Ghosts Music. The album was nominated for the “Schallwelle Award – Discovery 2017” which she won. First time of live playing was this year in Schwerte.