Lavid, Odracir

The spanish musician Odracir Lavid from barcelona is a prolific composer. He has been involved in the composing and performing of New Age for many years.
Lavid, Odracir
Odracir Lavid - The Temple of Dreams

Artist: Odracir Lavid
P: 2003
"The Temple of Dreams" is an album with remarkable and varied stylistic textures that mix the Eastern magic with the immensity of the cosmos, or the meditative airs with electronic experimentation.
There are themes that sound mysterious, like for instance the piece after which the CD is named.
Others, like "The Autumn of my years", are romantic ones.
Also there are some traits from World Music and other varied elements that contribute to enrich these pieces. The use of synthesizers enhances the exotic atmospheres that appear in some of the compositions, and is likewise useful as a vehicle for innovative ideas.

13,90 EUR
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