
Brian McWilliams is the name behind Aperus. An US based Ambientproject.
Aperus ‎– Tumbleweed Obfuscated By Camera Failure

Artist: Aperus
P: 2013
Aperus, a project of Brian McWilliams, was already mentioned in my review on Remanence. I must say that I feel really ashamed I didn't explore these talented sonic and visual sculptors much earlier. Even if released on own mPath Records back in 2003, I would like to take a closer look on this exciting collection of atmospherics. As guests appear on this recording Remanence member John Phipps and also Michelle McWilliams and Carolyn Koebel. Inspired by the photographs taken during the New Mexico desert trip when some camera problems occurred, the album starts with obscure experimental organics "Dark Moon (Initiation)" that soon convert into more gentle soundscapes. The next composition, "Magnetism", features a very pleasant piano tune while the next piece, "Earth & Clay", attracts us with minimal tribal percussions. We can hear lots of diversity on this album, however, each composition fits nicely into this natural adventurous journey. "Echo Canyon" slowly transforms into highly imaginative tone, desert ambience at its best! "Leaves, Waves" contains mostly location recordings and "Radiant" moves again into beautifully floating territories. "Vanishing Terrain" nicely blends gloomy atmospheres with various sonic outbursts, another highlight on this deeply immersing trip! Closing "All Good Things" is more tribal/industrial styled composition. "Tumbleweed Obfuscated By Camera Failure" is another highly attractive work from this talented sonic and visual hiker. Yes, the visual part of this CDr release is another bonus, packaged in oversized DVD case containing printed velum envelope with original photographs that inspired this precisely crafted and intoxicating recording. More please!!!

Richard Gürtler (Jun 26, 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia)

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