Basic Principles

Born out of an Ukrainian mother and Dutch father, visual artist Wladimir Duijndam started his musical journey round the age of seven, as a pupil at the “Koorschool Haarlem”, a musical primary school. Around that time Wladimir got attracted to pianos. When there was one around he immediately started to play if possible. Because he couldn’t play any known songs, it already resulted into kind of improvisation. Later on, Wladimir learnt to play the piano himself.
Seeing the artwork of James Bond’s “Thunderball” at the same time, Wladimir was convinced that he also wanted to paint like this. It was the start of his life as an artist. When Wladimir was fourteen years old and heard Rick Wakeman, Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream, he wanted to play synthesizer. Instead, all his money was spent on oilpaint, as most of the synthesizers were unaffordable.
Basic Principles
Basic Principles - Colours

Artist: Basic Principles
P: 2022

This debut album by Wladimir Duijndam is an intense double disc listening experience. While the first disc contains minimal, atmospheric and ambient-like pieces, the second carrier will definitely blow away the Berlin School enthusiasts and analog sequencer fetishists.

17,90 EUR
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