Ian Boddy & Mark Shreeve join their forces with modular synthesizers.
Boddy and Shreeve have been at the centre of the UK independent synth scene since the late seventies and have known each other since they both appeared at the very first UK Electronica in 1983. Shreeve has been involved with his Redshift project for the last 10 years which has revolved around extensive use of an arsenal of vintage synths including a giant Moog IIIc modular system. With Redshift he has released six albums and performed several concerts as a four piece band.

ARC - Chronicle

Artist: ARC
P: 2024
DIN 89
LTD 1000

Live albums have always been a big feature of the DiN imprints output, with many of its releases featuring performances by label boss Ian Boddy either solo or in conjunction with other artists. Seven such albums have been as the duo ARC with Boddy alongside his friend and musical collaborator Mark Shreeve who sadly passed away in 2022.
Their show at E-Live in The Netherlands from 2007 was the only concert of theirs so far unreleased and hence ‘Chronicle’ is both here to fill that gap and to provide a reminder of the power this duo could create in a ‘live’ setting.
This concert was unusual in that ARC used it as a chance to showcase their recently released album ‘Fracture’ and indeed the duo constructed their set around the five tracks from that album, interlinked by short ambient passages. Underpinning the rhythmic elements of each piece is the huge Moog modular utilised by Mark over the years to such sensational effect, not only in the ARC project but his band Redshift. In creating that “Berlin School” sound, this system is the real deal and under his skilled sequencing the pieces have an organic life that breathe and can grow from a tiny staccato rhythm to a huge growl in seconds. Over this structure Boddy and Shreeve layer atmospheric effects, warm chordal motifs and blistering solo lines.
The concert culminates in the sensational twenty-two minute epic track ‘Rapture’ which begins with spacey, drifting atmospheres before chordal Mellotrons add a sense of the grandiose. This just lulls the audience into a sense of calm before those sequencers thunder in to produce a truly hypnotic and incredible sonic climax.
‘Chronicle’ is a testament to the music of ARC but more particularly in remembering Mark Shreeve, who left us all way too early.

14,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
ARC - Church

Artist: ARC
P: 2010
DIN 35
LTD 1500

Although this is the duos sixth CD release their concert appearances are rare occurrences with only three prior performances. So when the duo were asked to play at the Gatherings concert series in Philadelphia organized by the Stars End radio show host Chuck van Zyl the logistics of staging such a show were considerable. Boddy had performed in Philadelphia four times previously (three times at the Gatherings and once with Robert Rich) and so knew there was an enthusiastic audience for this style of electronic music. However this was Shreeve's first Stateside concert and with the impracticality of transporting so much vintage gear the duo were helped out by three local musicians who kindly lent the duo several synthesizers as well as analog modular & sequencing systems.
The concert itself was staged at St.Mary's Church in Philadelphia on 14th November 2009 which was a suitably atmospheric venue for the electronic music of ARC. The five long tracks span the range of structured melodic sections, classically inspired space chords to improvised sequencer work-outs and prove once again that Shreeve & Boddy are masters of this form of electronic music. Four of the tracks are completely new material with the fifth, Falling Through to Rapture having at it's core the sequencer section from the title track of the duo's last studio album Rapture preceded and followed by two glorious sections of vast, spacey Mellotron chords. The multi-track recording from the concert have been mixed and mastered by Shreeve to provide the listener with a thrilling ring side seat at was an inspired performance by this duo.

Here the last copy!

32,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Schwingungen Radio auf CD - Edition Nr.231  08/14
Schwingungen - Radio auf CD
Edition Nr.: 231
5,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Schwingungen Radio auf CD - Edition Nr.271 12/17
Schwingungen - Radio auf CD
Edition Nr.: 271
5,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
V/A - E-Scape 2017

Artist: V/A
P: 2017
E-Scape 2017’ is a collection of exclusive studio and unreleased live tracks from artists performing at the 2017 UK E-Scape Festival. The music is a varied collection of traditional electronic music of the spacey, sequencer style and it all hangs together nicely as a cohesive electronic music album. Glenn Main opens proceedings with the catchy and clearly Jarre inspired ‘Man and Machine’. That leads perfectly into the mysterious ‘Dream Flight’ by David Wright & Carys, who further develop their distinctive and evocative collaborative style.The album goes into experimental space music mode with the exploratory and sequenced ‘Extropic Sound Configurations’ by Modulator ESP, before the gem of a track, ‘Spirit Escaping’ by Peter Challoner weaves its magical spell. We then move into the longest track on the album, the Berlin School inspired, ‘Rythme de croisiere’ by Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder.  Barry Neilsen’s Modal 002 demo, the stunning, drifting ‘Leftie’ follows, showcasing the awesome Modal 002 synth, before the album concludes with an epic version of the old Mark Shreeve classic, ‘System Six’, performed live by ARC.

E-Scape 2017 is sure to appeal to fans of traditional sequencer styled, spacey electronic music.

13,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Various Artists - Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 16

Artist: ARC, Kevin Keller
P: 2010
With a brilliant new track of ARC (Ian Boddy & Mark Shreeve).
Dream Logic is our 16th Echoes Living Room Concert CD. Like a dream, you move through spaces, walk through doors and open windows into new worlds, in this case, new worlds of sound. It s just like the soundscape of Echoes, which takes you from acoustic chamber music to ambient spaces to African hymns and mantra chants.

14,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Various Artists - Index 02

Artist: V/A
P: 2005
DIN 20
This is the second DiN sampler disc and as such follows the path set by DiN 10- iNDEX01 (which was the disc included in the June 2001 issue of The Wire). It features a continuous mix of music especially compiled by DiN boss Ian Boddy which includes 2 cuts from each of the 9 titles spanning DiN 11 - 19. This amounts to almost 78 minutes worth of DiN goodness and with the special low sampler price is a perfect introduction to the DiN label. It is presented in a beautifully designed cardboard wallet with an extra front flap which just adds to the value and collectability of this disc.

8,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Various Artists - Index 03

Artist: V/A
P: 2008   
DIN 30
LTD 1000 Copies
iNDEX03 is the third DiN compilation album and includes two tracks each from the titles DiN21 - 29. The artists include Robert Rich, Ian Boddy, Tetsu Inoue, Radio Massacre International, Surface 10, Parallel Worlds, Hoffmann-Hoock/Wöstheinrich & ARC.

As with the previous two DiN compilation albums, iNDEX01 (DiN10) and iNDEX02 (DiN20), DiN label boss Ian Boddy has mixed and cross-faded the 18 pieces into a continuous ambient mix that not only showcases the albums on the disc but presents an exciting and varied album in it's own right. It also highlights the varied and intruiging music that the DiN label conjures up on it's releases from deep analogue synth grooves through glitchy, digital soundscapes to powerful, epic ambient atmospheres. An intoxicating mix of the old and new beautifully presented in a slimline cardboard wallet with an extra front flap which just adds to the value and collectability of this disc

8,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Various Artists - Index 05

Artist: V/A
P: 2016
DIN 50
LTD 1000 Copies

INDEX05 is the fifth DiN compilation album and includes two tracks each from the titles DiN41 - 49. The artists on show this time are Ian Boddy, Node, ARC, Dave Bessell (one of the members of Node) and collaborations between Parallel Worlds & Dave Bessell, Ian Boddy & Markus Reuter, Erik Wøllo & Bernhard Wöstheinrich and Parallel Worlds & Self Oscillate. As with the previous four DiN samplers DiN label boss Ian Boddy has mixed and cross-faded the 18 tracks into a continuous ambient mix that not only showcases the albums featured on the release but presents an exciting and varied title in it’s own right. It also highlights the varied and intriguing music that the DiN label offers on it’s releases from deep analogue synth grooves through vibrantly melodic instrumentals to powerful, epic ambient atmospheres. An intoxicating mix of the old and new beautifully presented in a slimline cardboard wallet with an extra flap which just adds to the value and collectibility of this release.

8,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Various Artists - Index 06

Artist: V/A
P: 2019
DIN 60
LTD 2000 Copies

iNDEX06 is the sixth DiN compilation album and includes two tracks each from the titles DiN51 - 59. The artists on show this time are Ian Boddy, Node, ARC, Bluetech, d’Voxx and collaborations between Parallel Worlds & Dave Bessell, Ian Boddy & Erik Wøllo and Markus Reuter & Ian Boddy. As with the previous five DiN samplers DiN label boss Ian Boddy has mixed and cross-faded the 18 tracks into a continuous ambient mix that not only showcases the albums featured on the release but presents an exciting and varied title in its own right. It also highlights the varied and intriguing music that the DiN label offers on its releases from deep analogue synth grooves through vibrantly melodic instrumentals to powerful, epic ambient atmospheres. An intoxicating mix of the old and new beautifully presented in a slimline cardboard wallet with an extra flap which just adds to the value and collectibility of this release. Furthermore this compilation falls in the same year that the DiN label is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary. This is no small feat for a niche independent label and DiN is finally getting some of the recognition it so justly deserves.

8,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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