Strawe, Joerg

The founder of CUE-Records is also electronic musician. He is based in Schleiden in the beautiful Eifelregion in Germany.
Strawe, Joerg
Joerg Strawe + Winfrid Trenkler - Das Zeitgeheimnis Audiobook

Artist: Joerg Strawe + Winfrid Trenkler
P: 2005 / 2014
Audiobook, read by Winfrid Trenkler (known for Schwingungen)
Packed in DVD Case with 5 CDs.

This book tells the fictionary story of mystic things happening in the eifelwood. So timestretching events and more action within bunkers under the surface.
Very intresting, but it is read in german!

19,90 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Das Zeitgeheimnis

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 2005
This book tells the fictionary story of mystic things happening in the eifelwood. So timestretching events and more action within bunkers under the surface.
Very intresting, but it is written in german!

13,80 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Dialogue with the Universe

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1995
...a contribution in music for communication of worlds apart. Melodic, sometimes spacy and most of the times with nice rhythms. Orbit 3 is a tribute to Larry Fast's Synergy CD Audion.

15,40 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Electronic Passion

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1991
Inspired by the comic novel Trigan, this music has sometimes soundtrack feeling, with the combination between old and modern synthesizers. Complex arrangements and a melodic touch. Nice.

15,40 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Events in Motion

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1990 / 2016
This debut CD reflects all styles of electronic music. Melodic, symphonic, spacy and Berlin School sequences.
After the release, Joerg Strawe was voted to be the 2nd best newcomer in the famous Radio WDR1 Airplay Schwingungen back in 1990.
Nice tunes and still uptodate. A good way to get into the synthesizerworld of Joerg Strawe.


9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Jewels

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1993
This is a tribute to the legendary Yamaha CS80 Synthesizer, which Vangelis used, best known on his Bladerunner-Soundtrack.
The music was played on the original instrument of Klaus Schulze.
Some tracks are melodic some are spacemusic.


instead 15,40 EUR
only 9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Legend of the Wolves

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1991
Dark and light moments out of the life of the starving wolves are the themes of the CD.
Versatile tracks reflect the events around them. Sometimes with natural sounds and environments. Many sequences and a lot of different synthesizersounds are the perfect combination for this CD.

instead 15,40 EUR
only 9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Joerg Strawe - Sequenzen ohne Grenzen

Artist: Joerg Strawe
P: 1994 / 2016

Excellent album. Although it was written in the 90s it sounds like early 80s. There are plenty of imaginative rhythms and arpeggios. Simple rhythmic and melodic structures but very effective!

9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
V/A -  Searching for Life

Artist: R.Schroeder, Pickford, Waveshape, Essers, Boddy, u.a.
P: 1996
LTD 500

This CD produced by Cue-Records was joined by new titles of all the listed artists. The project was for the celebration of 20 years of the Viking lander on Mars in 1976.

Here the last copy!

24,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Show 1 to 10 (from a total of 11 products)