Farn, Pete

The musicproject Farn was founded at the beginning of the 80s to perform and produce electronic music.
Till today the project is alive by the musician Peter Schäfer who now calls the project: Pete Farn.

Farn, Pete
Opera's Space (Pete Farn) - Artefakt

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2018
Two current productions from Pete Farn and Opera's Space could hardly be more different but more or less from the same source. 
While the more experimental "Noodle+" is appreciated rather from a small circle of avantgarde lovers, "Opera's Space" establishes a fresh and more accessible electronic sound with elements of rock and spacemusic. 

The winking theme seems to match with this album: "We are not guardians; we are explorers!" No keeping to hoary relics, but "Neo-Psychedelic-Avantgarde-Space-Rock". 

Ready for Take-Off!

14,90 EUR
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Opera's Space (Pete Farn) - Aus-Flug

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2016
Opera´s Space is a new project by Pete Farn, who is known for very detailed, experimental, crazy, versatile, inspiring and surprising ambient music. Opera´s Space is a recognizably Pete Farn project, but you find more elements of electronic rock, rhythm and sometimes even melodies performed with analog and digital synthesizers as well as E-drums and E-guitar. Pete Farn tags his project as "Neo Psychedelic Avantgarde Space Rock", and this is pretty close to exactly the character of this debut album called "Aus-Flug" (excursion)
Composed, mastered and produced by Peter Schäfer aka Pete Farn 2016

Opera´s Space is: 
Dr. Where: E-Drums 
Mr. Beam: E-Guitar 
Mdme. Curry: Synths 
Pete Farn: Synths 

14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Albgaenge

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2019

2018/19 I was pretty often travelling through the area of the so called "Schönbuch" and at the border of the hillside of the "Schwäbischen Alb", with its geologically most interesting formations and high settled viewing towers.
In Autum there was a memorably outdoor gig in about 2.700 ft above sealevel at freezing temperatures as well as a nerdlike meeting of synthesizer friends in the town of Tübingen. During that event some videos were taken and music was composed and recorded. ... my music.

14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Alcyone XD2

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2012
Breathtaking 3D Computergraphics. A journey through space until you reach a different world.
This movie is acomplished with the electronic music played by Pete Farn.


14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Alkor

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2007
The opening track “Weltenreise.” has a funky little bass line whose quirky rhythm reminds me of Laurie Anderson’s “Blue Lagoon” from her Mister Heartbreak CD; not a typical reference point for electronic music, but it totally works. Retro elements like mellotron choirs and other electronic sounds add to the ambiance. “Novemberwelt” is a 22-minute number a bit more meandering and experimental in nature. Melancholy synth strings in a minor key wax and wane slowly for a few minutes, then tribal drumming is added to the dark mood. Quirky mechanical pulsations emerge after that, bringing a livelier beat to bear along with a rawer, edgier sound that sounds like a modern take on old krautrock, maybe a bit like Klaus Schulze’s energetic solo on “Mental Door” from Totem, though not that frenetic by any means. This track has several distinct movements, some more abstract and minimal, some more active. This could prove a challenging listen for some. If you prefer a stronger retro element, the bass line, male choirs, soft sequencing, and infectious beat of “Zeit:Los” should be right up your alley. “Stimme im Kollektiv” is perhaps the most daring yet, a minimal, mostly quiet abstract piece that explores a surprising range of sounds within a certain mood and feel. The wide-ranging tracks showcase Fern’s skill quite well in a fascinating album that works quite well despite the differing styles throughout.


14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Andere Saiten

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2015
Prepare for a strange sound journey.  Stringed instruments and their emulations are the subject of this CD. In Celloid part 1-5 "sound pairs" of real cello and different sound synthesis and -processing are formed. But even with physical modeling simulated or invented stringed instruments
add in the experimental sound. microtonal pieces round the bizarre sound travel. Inclined? Beautiful!


14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Blow my Tears

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2007
"Blow My Tears": contemporary synthesizer music - an idea book and a cornucopia of sounds. An electronic music parallel world fullof surprises

14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Cryptids

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2013
His second Biospheres work, this time very experimentel and full of metallic sounds and deep drones.

14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Cycler

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2003/ 2006
Berlin School meets experimental.
The live project FARN was founded beginning of the eighties with the purpose to present electronic experimental music live. Till this day the project is continued by Peter Schaefer alias Pete Farn and is complemented with studio work. No matter whether in the studio or live on stage: Pete(r) FARN Schaefer is a sound experiment, is a sound architecture.


14,90 EUR
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Pete Farn - Grainscapes Vol. 1

Artist: Pete Farn
P: 2023

Pete Farns new project 2023 in two parts, Vol. 2 will be released in the second half of 2023
A lot of granular synthesis in three long tracks in Vol. 1
Strange, experimental, worth to listen to deeply

14,90 EUR
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