Ganz, Oliver

The electronic musician out of Marburg, was voted for the best Newcomer in 2003.
Ganz, Oliver
Oliver Ganz - Phases of Death

Artist: Oliver Ganz
P: 2004
The CD deals musically with a very important time period in our lifes or said more exactly the moment when our life ends. There are many fantasies and reports about dying or the possibility of life after death or the death itself. Unfortunately, only very little scientifically literature can be found about that theme. I wouldn't like neither to change nor criticize this here. The CD on hand makes (my) pure musically imagination about the moment between cardiac arrest and definite cerebral death. Everybody may start his own phantasy to this and the imagination shall be proposed absolutely.
Nevertheless the CD has a main thread, a story which is told because without that it wouldn't work.

12,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Schwingungen Radio auf CD - Edition Nr.258  11/16
Schwingungen - Radio auf CD
Edition Nr.: 258
5,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
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