"Offshore Islands," by Ron Boots and John Kerr, was originally released in 1990. The unlikely pairing of John, known for his classical approach, and Ron, known for more cosmic soundscapes, was a stroke of genius. The resulting sound is a dramatic crescendo of energy and waves of unabashed sonic panache. The islands referenced in the title are offshore oil rigs, presumably in the North Atlantic. The album pays homage to the crews working the rigs and the hardships that they endure.
The music is crisp and clean. The diametric styles clash and conjoin, emphasizing the mutual respect that these artists have for each other and for their theme. The floating, gentle synthesizer washes of Ron Boots permeate this release, paving the way for his solo efforts to follow. John Kerr clearly influences this disc in terms of more melodic structure, and more than occasional new age leanings. However, Kerr and Boots seem to strike a balance, such that electronic purists who shy away from new age should not be too put off by it.
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