Tracks 5 to 8 are bonus tracks from the album Night Light. " Beam - Scape " is the first album by the electronic duo PETER MERGENER and MICHAEL WEISSER, who later joined forces under the project name SOFTWARE and released many more great albums in the years that followed until their split in 1999. Since the dissolution of SOFTWARE, P. Mergener has continued to produce electronic music in his studio in the Eiffel, while M. Weisser is primarily active as a media artist.The year 1984, in which this album was released, was the birth year of the SOFTWARE project and the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between P. Mergener and M. Weisser. The album " Beam - Scape " basically only consists of the first four tracks on this CD, while tracks 5 - 8 are the complete A-side of the album " Night - Light " released in 1986.The eight tracks on this CD are mostly very calm and natural, as befits this duo, often with spacey soundscapes and catchy sequencer lines.Now and then the rhythm computer is used on one or the other track.But the album "Beam-Scape", i.e. the first four tracks on this CD, can definitely be counted as belonging to the very early SOFTWARE era, when the music of this duo was still very much based on the style of the "Berlin School" and the tracks could sometimes be over 15 minutes long.The remaining four tracks, on the other hand, i.e. the A-side of the album "Night-Light" (1986), which was released two years later, show the musical direction in which the two musicians would develop with their SOFTWARE project.And it is precisely for this reason that this CD is so interesting and no SOFTWARE fan should be without it.I can also warmly recommend this album to fans of well-produced electronic music.But above all, it is the four tracks of the "Beam Scape" album that let the listener float in other spheres.Fascinating electronic music from a very early phase of the later SOFTWARE project.Extremely interesting, exciting and fascinating!