The result of this compositions are almost "soundtrack-ish".
As for where precisely my head was at throughout this time, think Fiim Noir, rainy streets, cityscapes, Vangelis' Blade Runner OST, good ol' TD and Uncle Tom Cobleigh & All. To be honest it's a darker sounding place than most of my works. I was very consciously seeking something of a Lughnasad kind of depth, which itself isn't an easy mind-frame to achieve. Only this time things kinda went along a darker road.
Sometimes I'm given to reminisce about the music I grew up with. It makes me sad that all these incredible musicians are gone or on the way there and their/our style of music is fading. It's often imitated in ways which sound like memes of its former self. So I guess the part of me which grew up there wanted to inhabit that zone and capture some of that atmosphere as deeply as I could. So I have here the spiritual depth of Lughnasad, but with much darker atmospherics. In actual fact the opening track scares me with the lights out!
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