His debut release from 1997 offers 58 minutes of powerful electronic music.
A versatile array of electronics operate in conjunction with e-perc to produce stirring tuneage. Many of the sounds are keyboard triggered, but a percentage are textural in nature, yet flow with greater puissance than a normal atmospheric demeanor. This generally stalwart character infuses the music with a vibrant authority, escalating the importance of each chord to incredible proportion.
Keyboards generate a wide variety of sounds, from delicate to sparkling to darkly ominous to robustly demonstrative. This full range of temperament provides the music with a delightful potency that is excessively applied to produce tantalizing tuneage.
An amount of sampling is employed, further fleshing out the melodies with different horns and other instruments, expanding the music to a comprehensive level. The percussion is powerful, throbbing with evocative command and lending ample propulsion to the already vigorous melodies. The rhythms are complex, multitracked to boost their verve to awesome scope.
Lawler's compositional expertise is remarkably capable. These songs pulsate with bouncy vitality and captivating charm. They resound with prestige and portentous appeal. At the same time, the melodies convey strong emotional content, stimulating a diversity of moods.